C_BYD15_1908 : SAP Certified Application Associate : SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant
- Level: Associate
- Exam: 80 questions
- Delivery Methods:SAP Certification regarding Exam Preparation (PDF Format)
- The “SAP Certified Application Associate : SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant” certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP Business ByDesign Solution Consultant profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and inâ€depth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role. This certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification.
Topic Areas
Please see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to up-date the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.
SAP Business ByDesign Supply Chain Management > 12%
- SAP ByD Provide String Mgmt.
SAP Business ByDesign Financials > 12%
- SAP ByD Financials
SAP Business ByDesign Client Partnership Administration > 12%
SAP Business ByDesign – SAP Start Strategy > 12%
- BYD10E
SAP Business ByDesign Execution Basic principles > 12%
- BYD15
– OR –
- BYD15E
SAP Business ByDesign Project-Based Providers 8% instant 12%
- SAP ByD Project-Based Providers
C_BYD15_1908 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant
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